Bring Students to the Orchestra...

The SC Philharmonic Kids to Concerts programs offers students the opportunity to attend one of the Capital Concerts and to participate in a pre-concert meet and greet with Music Director, Morihiko Nakahara, and SC Phil musicians.

Morihiko Nakahara and SC Phil musicians share their personal journeys from beginning music student to professional musician and insights about the music that will be performed.  Students have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the SC Phil up-close and in-person.

The purpose of this program is to encourage young musicians to continue their own musical journey and  to become lifelong lovers and consumers of music.  Tickets are deeply discounted making this program accessible ALL for students and their families. 

**Kids to Concerts does not include the Pops Concert Series.

Student Tickets - $5
Adult Tickets - $10
*Title One Schools receive complimentary tickets


All inquiries and bookings go to Susan Cafferty, our Education & Community Outreach Director